Chris Wallace: TRANSLATED

The following is from a partial transcript of the Aug. 17, 2008, edition of "FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace" interviewing Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge and Senator Claire McCaskill. Presented is a TRANSLATION of Wallace’s questions only:
TRANSLATION: "Came back for more, eh?"
WALLACE: McCain now says that Russia must, quote, "pay a price for its actions". Specifically, what would President McCain do?
TRANSLATION: If McCain is all tied up at "The Gates of Hell" following Al Qaeda, when’s he going to have any time in this sphere of existence?
WALLACE: Senator McCaskill, one of Obama's top foreign policy advisers, Susan Rice, went after McCain this week, and let's take a look at what she had to say. "John McCain shot from the hip a very aggressive, very belligerent statement. He may or may not have complicated the situation."
Senator, how did McCain complicate the situation? Or was he just quicker than Obama to understand and recognize Russian aggression?
TRANSLATION: I know what you’re thinking. Did he ask three questions or only two. Before you answer, you have to ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky"?
WALLACE: But I mean, excuse me. But I mean, it was Susan Rice who was making political points, Obama's top foreign policy adviser.
TRANSLATION: Hey, pay attention, OK?
WALLACE: Senator McCaskill, I just want to pick up on the first part of your statement. Are you suggesting that somehow John McCain undercut President Bush and Secretary of State Rice?
TRANSLATION: Hey, pay attention, OK?
WALLACE: Senator McCaskill, I just want to pick up on the first part of your statement. Are you suggesting that somehow John McCain undercut President Bush and Secretary of State Rice?
WALLACE: Wait. Wait, Senator, let me let Tom Ridge in here.
TRANSLATION: You want a piece of this?
TRANSLATION: You want a piece of this?
WALLACE: All right.
TRANSLATION: Shut the f**k up!
TRANSLATION: Shut the f**k up!
WALLACE: Let's move off this.
TRANSLATION: I said shut the f**k up!!
WALLACE: And to answer my question specifically, do you think the Republican Party would accept a pro-choice running mate?
TRANSLATION: Well, do ya punk?
TRANSLATION: I said shut the f**k up!!
WALLACE: And to answer my question specifically, do you think the Republican Party would accept a pro-choice running mate?
TRANSLATION: Well, do ya punk?
WALLACE: Now, I just want to follow up one more time on this. The last time you were here, we talked about your pro-choice views.
TRANSLATION: Here, hold this bomb.
TRANSLATION: Here, hold this bomb.
WALLACE: And here's what you had to say.
WALLACE: Governor, have you talked with McCain about your pro-choice views on abortion and whether you would follow his pro-life views if you were to become his running mate?
TRANSLATION: Clean up on aisle five.
WALLACE: Senator McCaskill, the big news from Democrats this week is that after giving Hillary Clinton a speaking role on Tuesday night and Bill Clinton a speaking role on Wednesday night, now Hillary Clinton's going to get her name placed in nomination and to have a roll call.
Question: Is that the way President Obama would negotiate, to just keep caving in?
TRANSLATION: Hey, I just called your baby ugly. You gonna take that?
WALLACE: Senator, do you really think that a roll call vote is going to satisfy those Clinton supporters who are still, a couple of months after the fact — still unhappy and bitter about her defeat? Do you really think they're going to settle for the pageant of a roll call?
TRANSLATION: Clean up on aisle five.
WALLACE: Senator McCaskill, the big news from Democrats this week is that after giving Hillary Clinton a speaking role on Tuesday night and Bill Clinton a speaking role on Wednesday night, now Hillary Clinton's going to get her name placed in nomination and to have a roll call.
Question: Is that the way President Obama would negotiate, to just keep caving in?
TRANSLATION: Hey, I just called your baby ugly. You gonna take that?
WALLACE: Senator, do you really think that a roll call vote is going to satisfy those Clinton supporters who are still, a couple of months after the fact — still unhappy and bitter about her defeat? Do you really think they're going to settle for the pageant of a roll call?
TRANSLATION: Aw c’mon! Are you serious?
WALLACE: All right.
TRANSLATION: OK, you can quit talking now.
WALLACE: We're going to have to leave it there.
TRANSLATION: Look, am I going to have to gag you?
TRANSLATION: OK, you can quit talking now.
WALLACE: We're going to have to leave it there.
TRANSLATION: Look, am I going to have to gag you?
WALLACE: Governor Ridge, Senator McCaskill, I want to thank you both for talking with us today. And we'll see you both at your conventions.
TRANSLATION: I know where you live!
TRANSLATION: I know where you live!
Chris Wallace, the Dirty Harry of journalism? Now that's a funny stretch.
Too big a stretch? Are you saying a man's got to know his limitations?
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