Tuesday, September 02, 2008


If you recall 2004's "Vote or Die" campaign, this is really going to kill you! Diddy does it again, asking McCain to explain what's on his brain. Inane disdain with no net gain...

Diddy: "Attention John McCain, attention John McCain, my name is Diddy…I had to check in with you to tell you that you are bugging the f--- out. I don't even understand what planet you're on right now.! This is the job to be the leader of the free world.

Translation: “Mr. John McCain, it’s me Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Puffy, P. Diddy and “just” Diddy. So ponder for a moment how confusing your vice-Presidential selection is for a person like me who can’t even select a moniker that makes sense.”

Diddy: "Ok, no disrespect. I love you. I want you to live to be 110, but things happen. What if, God forbid, you got a running mate, you become president -- Alaska? Alaska? Alaska? Alaska? Come on, man. I don’t know if there's any black people in Alaska.

Translation: “I know you’d think a person with my millions of dollars would have traveled more extensively and have sense enough not to disrespect Eskimos and that black dude that lives in Alaska.”

Diddy: "John, like, come on! Sarah Palin? Yo, if you really think that we're gonna let you win this election with these, like, crazy, these crazy decisions that you're making, you're buggin'. "

Translation: “You’re bugging worst than I was that night I thought J. Lo’s ass was a Siamese twin. “

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